Viele Kirschen schnell & einfach entkernen

Kirschen mit Handrührgerät entkernen

Pit cherries with hand mixer
more jam, less work, make it the easy way!


I'll explain to you how you can pit lots of cherries at once quickly and easily using a hand mixer. This saves time and the joy of making jam isn't lost as quickly as if you spend hours pitting by hand with a pitter, tricks like a bottle or hairpin.

There are a lot of cherries at the moment. So the idea of ​​making cherry jam out of them is a natural one. I'm highly motivated. I pick cherries and want to process and preserve as many of them as possible. It would be a shame...

Said and done.

At least in my mind I'm already one step further. A huge bowl full of picked cherries is in front of me. And now? Pitting. After 15 minutes it dawns on me that I'll sit pitting them until late into the night, I'm still a long way from making jam.

There has to be a better way.

How can I use my time better? I'm doing research online and I'm not getting any satisfactory results. I don't have an expensive food processor that could core things using the anti-clockwise twist trick. I only have the usual appliances that every normal household has.


Well, at least I read in a forum that you should cook the cherries until the stones separate from the flesh. That's a start, I think to myself, and begin. 

However, I notice that they have to cook for a long time; nothing falls off by itself. I start to pass the cooked cherries through a coarse sieve. The pulp does not come off so easily; a lot of it sticks to the stones. The yield is poor.

Things have to get better.

But how can you remove the stones from the cherries? I try it with a Hand mixer and I'm surprised! The result is a more liquid mass and the kernels are not damaged.


If I now strain this mass, it is much easier. The sieve does not clog up as quickly and the mass can be strained through easily. All that remains are the pure seeds, almost all of the pulp has been separated and can be made into jam.

I am so happy about this that I would like to share my knowledge with you. It is quite possible that I am not the first to discover this way of working, but since I did not come across it in my research, I wanted to share this knowledge with you.

This makes making cherry jam so much easier and more productive than before. Anyone who has a cherry tree in their garden can now preserve much more of the delicious harvest without too much effort. 


Nachdem ich inzwischen auch Mirabellenmarmelade mit diesem Trick gemacht habe, kann ich sagen dass das genauso gut klappt!

Sustainability can also be fun 🙂

Kirschen einfach mit Handrührgerät entkernen

Tipps, Tricks & Lifehacks

Pit lots of cherries and save time!

About me

My name is Stephanie. I'm actually a graphic designer, I work full time and I like to spend my free time working with my hands to balance out my work on the computer. As soon as summer comes, I also like to make jam. But my time is limited. As a creative person, I don't just accept problems and complicated processes, but look for new solutions. I would like to share these with you here. Simply because it gives me pleasure.
